Aikkunnu Pandavagiri Temple mythology:

The Aikunnu Pandavagiri Devi Kshetram (Temple), situated in Venginisseri village of the Paralam panchayat, is most famous among the 108 Durga temples consecrated by Parasurama in the Treta Yuga.

Legend is that during their life in exile for twelve years in the forest, the Pandava princes accompanied by their wife Draupadi, stayed here and underwent severe austerities (tapas). Thereby they obtained the blessings of this Goddess of all auspiciousness, prosperity and benevolence. Additionally Drupadi, who prayed for victory to her husbands in battle and also for the boon of outliving her husbands in her life, is believed to have been granted her wishes. That is how with the blessings of our Devi, Draupadi could give up her body, as a wife, before her husbands could; a blessing that neither Sita Devi nor Rugmini could get. What other than our Devi’s grace brought about that!

It said believed that in the ancient past, many ascetics were engaged in practicing severe austerities here, in Pandavagiri hills, for long periods, even much before the Pandava princes came here to do penance.

The Pandavas later went their way after gaining Devi’s blessings and with feeling of complete fulfillment. In the course of time due to neglect the temple became old and decrepit. This sad state of decay could not be remedied even during the period when the temple owners themselves had managed its affairs. The situation worsened to such an extent that even the daily pooja could not be performed regularly. The worship literally stopped.

The presence of austere ascetics continues:

It was during the 1960s that Sampoojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirthaji Maharaj came to the Pandavagiri and built a rustic cottage on its eastern slopes to conduct his austere life along with his multifaceted work for uplift of society. We need not specially mention that this ancient holy ascetic land has become more blessed and divine due to the presence of Swamiji’s ascetic Narayanashrama Tapovanam and the lokasangraha work for welfare of the world associated with the ashram.

It is worth recalling here that when Agastya Maharshi, travelling South from the Himalayas, arrived in Dandakaranya, he had found to his utter dismay that famine and draught afflicted the people there. He was sorely disturbed and began doing tapas in that place. As a result rains poured and soon vegetation sprang up and trees blossomed everywhere; this is significantly recorded in Valmiki’s Ramayana, and noteworthy. Undoubtedly, it is the penance and austerity being done there, that makes any place holy and sacred. Tapas, austerity is the only remedy for any distress, misfortune in life. Nothing else can bring in the needed blessings and grace, as much as tapas can.

Devi breaks her silence:

In due course there was a theft in the temple. One night someone stole Devi’s  silver Golaka from the Temple. On coming to know this, everyone in the village and particularly Devi’s devotees felt very sad and concerned. An astrological session ashtamangalya prassnam, was conducted in 1988. In that, the misfortunes and pollution that has afflicted Devi’s abode was revealed. This only added to the peoples’ sorrow and helplessness. It was discovered by the astrologers that Devi was in an upside down position in her abode and  lying on Her face!

The astrological experts, discussing their findings openly and candidly,  opined   that here in this holy place Parasurama had consecrated the temple in Treta Yuga, that in the Dwapara Yuga  the Pandava Princes along with Draupadi had come here and done penance, as well as that many staunch ascetics had lived here performing various severe austerities earlier and also later. All these added to the sanctity and sacredness of the Pandavagiri.

These findings perhaps served to awaken and motivate the people to arise and act to revitalize this sacred abode of Devi. It was under such distressful conditions that the people around approached the ascetic Swamiji for redress and appealed to him to restore the glory, power and prowess of Pandavagiri.

The procession around Pandavgiri hill and the people’s resolve:

Very soon the Paralam Panchayat residents witnessed the people’s resolve to conduct a giri-pradakshina (going around the hill in circumambulation in a procession led by Swamiji, and take an oath to restore  the glory of this Devi’s abode in keeping with the traditions and heritage of Pandavgiri. With that the village awoke to the emergent need and seriousness of the situation. They decided unanimously that Poojya Swamiji himself should reconstruct this Devi’s abode according to its heritage and tradition and restore the Temple’s  glory through performance of naveekaranam and such other rituals.

As a result Swamiji undertook the work of restoration and re-consecration of the Temple through the HNP.

The construction of road leading Temple up the Pandavagiri hill and the leveling of the place:

With remarkable foresight poojya Swamiji’s first step was to construct a motorable  road to reach the temple uphill. This enabled the movement of lorries and vehicles to transport of materials and stores required for the civil works on the hill top.

Usually people level a place on hills by cutting down the heights and mining the soil. But here in Pandavagiri it was just the opposite that took place. It was the Herculean task of recovering the plateau on top by bringing in soil from around  and building up a steep wall of over thirty feet (10 meters) all around the hill. This indeed was a memorable feat in the history of this place, we may say.

People witnessed the miraculous creation of about an acre of land forming a level ground on top of the Pandavagiri with the temple majestically in its center! An unequalled engineering feat perhaps! During this critical phase the holy ascetic Poojya Swamiji himself was seen toiling long, for months at a stretch, with the hundreds of others literally from dawn to dusk with a whistle garlanding his neck to lead them! It should be remembered that in those days modern construction and earth moving equipments such as JCB, tipper lorries  etc were unheard of in Kerala. (The late Ammini Madhavan, a very close devotee, had recalled that it was a really arduous task to even locate Swamiji to hand over his food or even water due to his rapid movements in the field of work! –added by p)

The restoration and renovation work costing over fifty lakhs of Rupees and the creation of a plateau around the temple was totally astonishing and unimagined. There was absolutely no path way for facilitating pious circumambulation of the temple until this wonderful recreation and recovery of about 100 cents of land on the hill top, forming the temple ground, materialized.

Sahasra kalasam makes history:

In April 1995, the renovation work was completed. Thereafter a 11 day sahasra kalasa rejuvenation of the Deity was performed according to tantric rules. With that the Devi precincts became vibrantly sublime and divine to bestow grace and blessings to Her devotees which brought prosperity and peace evidently.

It must be mentioned here that along with the re-installation of Devi’s idol, the installation of Sastha (Aiyyappa) idol in the sub-temple, and Devi’s  flagstaff were also conducted. Thus the Pandavagiri devi temple became one of the rare temples in the old Peruvanam village which had a permanent flagstaff.

Relationship with the congregation of Aaraattupuzha Devas  and other celebrations:

We feel gratefully satisfied and are happy to convey that presently in this extremely auspicious, rare holy precincts, of the Devi temple, adorned with a heritage traceable to the Treta Yuga, all the earlier customary rites, ceremonies and annual festivals as well as the newer poojas that came to be evolved later, are being performed religiously under the keen guidance of Sadguru Swami Bhoomananda Tirthaji Maharaj.

We must add here that under the stewardship of Swamiji the temples in Tachchanathukavu in Paralikkad ( namely Bhagavathi, Ayyapa, Siva,  and Vellithirutti Mahavishnu ) were renovated and rejuvenated according to traditional norms. There too the daily worship and annual festivals etc have been restarted and are going on since then. The construction and consecration of the Vyasa Bhavan as well as they reconsecration of the Dakshinamoorthy temple, in Vyasa Giri Vyasa Tapovanam must also be included in this category.

The present Devi Idol in the Pandavagiri Temple is over 1500 years old according to historical records. The records show that the Pandavagiri Devi accompanied by the Cherpu Bhagavati used to be regularly present at the 1433 years old aaraattupuzha annual festival, in the company of Cherpu Bhagavati. This is significant indeed.

Devi’s famous ceremonial bath on the day of star thrivonam in the month of tulam, is the first occasion in any year that she moves out of her abode.

From 2012, the temple has been observing the 41 day long (Swami Ayyappa) Mandala Pooja celebrations under the guidance of Tantri, performing seeveli along with navakam, sree bhootabali, and so on.

On the 15th December 2013, the festival day of karthika lamps, Poojya Swamiji inaugurated and dedicated the new pradakshina pathway to Devi. This eagerly awaited pathway paved with granite could be realized only through the blessings of Sampoojya Swamiji and is a boon to the devotees who otherwise had to bear the heat of the hot sun during their circumambulation.

Observance of Draupadi dinam:

The karthika festival in the month of Visakha is believed to be the day when Draupadi was granted the boon of nedumangalyam (boon of outliving husband) as well as blessings for their invincibility  in battle. This holy day is being observed as Draupadi day in the temple since 2015. It is said that offering (red/yellow)silk cloth, sarees, mirror with handle, bridal pendent, bestow great blessings to the devotees.

The Karthika Lamp:

In the evening of the holy Karthika festival, the Karthika flame on the pillar at the eastern nada is lit with the thought if world-welfare and well being for all and not restricted to Paralam Panchayath or even Kerala State itself. It is a sublime sight to see the hundreds of devotees bringing oil and eagerly waiting in the temple to fill the lamps with it. On that day after the evening worship, deepaaraadhana, devotees who arrive there are given a coin and half a coconut piece as a prasaada from Devi for prosperity and plentiful food in their houses.

Pongaala mahotsava, pushpaabhishekam, kalabhaabhishekam:

The hearty participation of hundreds of devotees in the pongaala conducted in the month of March is indeed a sublime sight, as also are the 41 days of niramaala (lighting decorated lamps around the temple walls), concluding with the abhishekam for Devi idol in fragrant  sandalwood paste on the concluding day (kalabhaabhishekam) very sublime functions. Sreedharma Saastha in the sub-temple receives abhisheka with flowers on the first day of the 41 day mandala kaala and concludes with vasodhaara, and navaabhishekam which are done with great devotional fervour on the first of makram month. Next, to mark the installation day of the Devi Idol, (pratishtha) in the  month of medham, when the star puzhya is in ascension,  a procession is taken out with the Devi astride on one of the five splendidly decorated majestic elephants, moving from the base of Banyan Tree in southern nada accompanied by panchavadya and panchaari mealam and ending at the gates of the temple. This is followed by distribution of food for all as prasaada.

Prayer on the Draupadi rock as old as the earth:

The temple which was on the sharp peak of the hill had no land for foreground and a pathway for circumambulation of the temple. Poojya Swamiji decided to reclaim land by filling up earth from all around, to a height of over thirty feet. This resulted in formation of about 100 cents (one acre) of foreground land materializing a sound pathway. While all the ancient rocks and stones were submerged in the soil, during the filling and reclamation processes, there remained just one large rock jutting out on top, surviving the onslaught of filling work.

It is believed by the devotees (and testified by their experiences) that those who pray to Goddess Paravathi and Lord Parameswara who reside in the Himalayas,  standing on that rock (which embodies the ancient heritage) facing North-East, all their heart’s desire will be granted.

Some special poojas and offerings:

The compassionate Devi here excels in bestowing prosperity to those who worship her and also blesses women for happy wedded life, just as the Devi blessed and granted Draupadi the boon of nedumangalyam as well as victory to them in battle. Devotees firmly believe that those who pray here will achieve whatever they desire in life. Devi’s graceful and timely blessings have thus found fond place in the minds of all devotees.

Among the various offerings that can be made to Devi the most appealing and popular are the flower offerings (swayamvara pushpanjali) for getting married; offerings for getting married to the chosen partner; for being an evergreen wife (outliving the husband) and similar gains. These are being regularly performed here gaining in popularity day by day.

After the renovation and rejuvenation of the Pandavagiri Devi Temple the grace bestowed by Devi on the people of her congregation  has been limitless. As a result of performing the thrikaala poojya here, there have been many who have been blessed to outlive their husbands. Similarly it is significant that those who have conducted the trikaala pooja for progeny have also been blessed with children. So also there are many who have gained the grace of Devi by conducting  anna daana, (offering food to people) here. The offering to Devi of rice in traditional  para measure for redress of abdominal ailments and also for begetting progeny is well known and is a very much sought after offering.

Another important offering is of spun coir ropes for the redress of diseases afflicting the head, for growth of luxurious hair on one’s head and for breathing problems. Another offering which involves placing of an inverted uruli (a cast vessel in the shape of a cauldron) for begetting progeny is also very well know here.

Sankaramangalam lower Temple:

Located on the eastern slope of Pandavagiri hill, a little removed to the south east from the Devi’s abode, is the Lower Sankaramangalam Siva Temple dedicated to Paramasiva. This temple was also renovated by the Hind Navotthana Pratishthan (HNP) and the joint efforts of the village residents, under the guidance of Poojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirthaji Maharaj.

It is said that those who go to the Pandavagiri Devi temple should also offer prayers in the Sankaramangalam Temple to enhance the fruition of their prayers. Poojya Swamiji’s presence as well as the joint efforts of the enthusiastic people and the devasom office bearers, have resulted in continuous progress of the temple and the benefits it bestows on the devotees.

Any installation of divinity should be re-installed and rejuvenated according to the tantric rules and rites once every twelve years to reinstitute and enhance the powers of the deity installed in the temple precincts. In preparation for that, on December 7th, 2012 the well known astrologers Sriman Manapuzha Raman Nampoothiri and Koottanaadu Ravunni Panikkar jointly conducted an ashthamangalya prassnam in the temple premises. Based on their findings they advised  performance of astha bandha sahasra kalasam as early as possible. Accordingly it was conducted under the temple tantris Sriman Vadakkedath perumbadappil Kesavan Nampoothiri and Hari Nampoothiri during January 26 to 31st this year (2016) at a cost of about Rs. 7 lakhs.

Devi’s devotees themselves should come forward:

To enable all these the only asset with the temple management is the unstinted love and devotion of the devotees for Devi and their large hearted contributions and enthusiastic  participation. It is hoped that the devotees and well wishers will appreciate the magnitude of the expenses and efforts and come forward to make this venture successful. After all, the temples are meant for the welfare and well being of the devotees and people of the place. It is their devotion and the enthusiasm and compulsion it generates that nourishes any divine abode or temple to let it progress and grow in its power to bestow blessings to the people and protect their well being. This should be particularly remembered by all. Our Temples and places of worship will grow and prosper only  according to the attention and generosity we shower on them.

ye yatha mam prapadyante
tams tathaiva bhajamy aham
mama vartmanuvartante
manusyah partha sarvasah

(Bhagavad Geeta 4.11)

“Whoever, worships me in whatever manner I bless and protect them in that manner”


This verse states what should be the attitude and approach of devotees towards God and his abodes, the temples. Devotees will do well to understand this and be benefited by it. Let us therefore have such an attitude and approach towards our Devi in Pandavagiri and be receptacles of Her divine grace.

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